Target Green

2008 Green Trends: Sabrina Horn, Horn Group

By Sabrina Horn
Horn Group

  • Carbon trading…not only are bills in front of Congress but you have companies like World Energy, Chicago Climate Exchange, and NYMEX vying for position in gathering and enabling trading for carbon credits.  This will create a blanket of noise in the green sector, a trend that the PR community certainly will be challenged with during 2008.
  • The 2008 election will be the largest trend in green; this will determine whether the US joins Kyoto actively or continues to allow regional carbon emission standards to be placed (i.e. RGGI).  Therefore this will be a critical trend for PR folks to understand and leverage for green.
  • The power of green bloggers is increasing each day, will the PR industry learn from their earlier mis-steps in building relationships with bloggers?
  • Can PR entities make money in the green PR space?  This trend is something discussed widely in 2007, but 2008 will really be the year it is put to the test.  Everyone wants to work in the green space, but does it equal green for the bottom line?

Horn is president of the Horn Group.

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