Target Green

What is green news now?

Ever since green got so chic, reporters have been inundated with pitches from businesses that want press for their green practices. The Austin-American Statesman addresses this in its eco-blog this week. Asher Price writes, “Broadly speaking, of course, these efforts are to be applauded. But many of these businesses are doing what you or I might do: They change their lightbulbs or they put more insulation in their roofs.”

Price mentions a local dentist who wanted media coverage for keeping an energy-efficient building, water system, and lighting fixtures. The dental office obviously got the attention it wanted. But as more businesses go green, what constitutes a newsworthy environmental practice? Of course, the answer is complicated. Large corporations have deep ecological footprints, so their practices will naturally garner more coverage — and scrutiny — than small businesses. Yet small companies often have the freedom to experiment with more innovative green technology.

Any thoughts on what makes a newsworthy green practice now?

2 Comments so far

  1. Dentist on February 28th, 2008

    The conclusions of this study support the important results of a 2002 laboratory study. According to a report in Science News, researchers at the University of California and the University of Texas found that green tea extract may prevent breast cancer cells from manufacturing the new blood vessels necessary to promote cancer cell growth. If further research confirms these findings, it may help explain why the green tea drinkers in the USC study were at lower risk of breast cancer, regardless of other health, diet, and family history factors. Dentist

  2. sara on March 10th, 2008

    This is a good question! I agree that corporations changing their polluting ways will still be newsworthy for some time to come. However, I think small business should still be in the news as long as their efforts to save energy are innovative. Its important to get new ways of saving energy in the news to set examples for others.

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