Target Green

RoundUp: Beef recalls, toy industry called out, the gray side of green


The beef industry was faced with its largest recall in the United States after undercover video showed workers abusing cattle, prompting officials to recall 143 million pounds of meat. Now the beef industry and animal rights groups are sparring about the scandal in the media, according to the .


The Associated Press reports, “the acting chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission lashed out Monday at the toy industry for a lack of safety controls that led to a string of highly publicized recalls.”

The Hartford Courant reports on the challenge of drawing young people to some sects of the green movement. The article says, “Fearful of a loss of relevance, concerned they might lose influence in shaping state policy, long-established groups like the Connecticut Audubon, the Connecticut chapter of the Sierra Club and the Connecticut Forest & Park Association are now reaching out to attract younger members, employees and board members.”

According to the Economist, going solar is a luxury few can afford.

NPR reports, Costa Rica aims to be a carbon neutral nation.

1 Comment so far

  1. Shreesh Sarvagya on February 25th, 2008

    The ‘beef recall’ news was a classic case of ‘willing suspension of disbelief.’ When almost the whole of the US is looking at beef as a staple diet, do you think anyone has a slim chance of getting that news out beyond a blip? The NY Times published a whole page and some of the Americans I know to be highly ‘Green’ in their orientation even refused to read it, let alone comment on it.

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